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Life on the Farm: A late summer night

Dear friends and local food eaters,

Lately there has been a lot of sharing of farm life trials and tribulations, of which there are many.

To balance that out, I wanted to share this experience from last weekend.

We had some friends over and were grilling a london broil and making a huge salad. There was peach crisp in the oven. Before eating, the sun went down and the sky was darkening, and someone suggested walking up to the top of the hill to see the sights.

So a bunch of kids and adults trudged up the steep hill to the "top field", where the pigs, sheep, and cows happened to be grazing.

The weather was nice, and the sky was worth admiring.


We sat up there.

I know, not very exciting sounding.

But the view was beautiful.

And when you sit still in a field of pigs, they get curious real fast and come over to check you out.

It's cool to just hang out with them.

If you're an eleven year old boy, you get to run by them and watch them scatter. And then do it again (even when your mom tells you not to).

I said to my friend, "I guess this is what you do on a farm for fun on a Saturday night."

She said - "Yeah. Isn't it amazing?"

Here's to appreciating all the good life on the farm, too.

Thanks for supporting local food and farmers!

~Brooks and Anna

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