Food from the Farm: Summer Vegetable Ground Beef Stir Fry
Good morning local food eaters!
Is it still summer?
Feels like we've been alternating between heat waves and rainy season. But we still have tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and summer squash, though they are probably on their way out now.
One of my favorite things to do with ground beef is a simple stir fry with whatever vegetables are in season at the time. This summer has been a whirlwind of farm activity, house construction, and new baby care. This simple stir fry has been a staple for us.
Check out this awesome video that Brooks and our helper Kyle made of the process!
Here is an approximate recipe, but the point is to use what you have in season.
1-2 lb Ground beef
Salt pork (optional)
Lard or coconut oil (~high heat cooking oil)
2 onions
2 zucchini
2 peppers
1/2 eggplant
tamari to taste
Three tips on the stir fry process:
1. High heat is traditionally how you stir fry. Lard, tallow, or leftover bacon fat is perfect for this!
2. Cook veggies and ground beef in separate pans if possible. While this is not totally necessary, it does allow the ground beef to brown better, without the liquid from the vegetables.
3. Add the vegetables in order of cooking time. A good trick for remembering how long it takes different vegetables to cook and deciding which order to add them is something that a friend taught me. She said to start at the root and work your way up, like this:

Within these distinctions, there is still variation, i.e. carrots take longer to soften than potatoes, and kale needs more time than a final handful of chopped parsley. But it is a good starting place, and a guide that is built in to my mode of operating in the kitchen!
Serve over rice and enjoy a quick, simple, and nourishing meal!
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