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Can you make a living farming?

We believe that it is possible to make a living farming.

With the changing food system and a growth in organics and the demand for pure, properly raised foods, farmers can now sell what they raise directly to consumers for a premium price. We've based our goals and actions over the past 10 years on the belief that truly making a living doing this, starting from nothing, is possible.

According to a recent Wall Street Journal Report, on average, 82% of U.S. farm household income is expected to come from outside jobs.

We have only one personal role model who has actually made a real living farming,

without starting capital, without inheriting land, and without an off-farm job.

We really want to make a living farming. We want to be an example of what is possible. We want to pave the way for future generations, making a return to the land a viable option. There is a growing interest in young people wanting to farm, and this absolutely HAS to be encouraged and increased if our food system has a chance of continuing and improving. The work of the National Young Farmers Coalition is aimed at research and development of young(er) people involved in farming.

The truth is that we believe it is possible, and because of that, we have racked up as much debt as they will give us, and we've deferred our college loans. We've chosen the investment of owning land and pouring all income back into growing our infrastructure and business. We've chosen a life of physical labor, engagement with nature, financial risk-taking, trial and error, self-taught everything, and entrepreneurship.

We've chosen a life of dedication to our ideals over potentially easier and more lucrative employment.

So we'll let you know if it works out. Right now we're operating in the red since day one.

Someday I'd love to write something called "you can make a living farming."

Until that day, we'll carry on, limping, running, staggering, being led towards our dreams and goals, thankful to always have the best food to eat, even when we have no money in the bank.

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