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Food from the Farm: Crockpot Chicken and Gravy

Dear friends and customers of North Mountain Pastures, This time of year when the weather starts to get hot, I look for ways to cook things that generate less heat in the house. Living in an 1850s farmhouse with no A/C makes this important! The crockpot is a good option, better than stovetop or oven cooking. It's also super easy and nice to make and leave if you'll be gone all day. Here is a guest post from a great customer who knows what's up in the kitchen:

Hi all! I’m Erin Donley NTP, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and good local food lover! I wanted to share with you an easy recipe for using your North MountainPasture Share.

This month I used my crock pot to cook a whole chicken. It was super easy and really made the chicken very tender. I used this recipe from Oh Sweet Basil. However, I just put the spices on top of the chicken and not under the skin. My whole family devoured this recipe and I was glad that it was pulled together in the AM so I had some more time that afternoon for other things.

Once I used the drippings to make the sauce, I threw all the bones back in the crockpot with ½ an onion, a whole carrot, two celery stalks and a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar. The vinegar pulls out the minerals from the bones into the broth. I had some extra chicken feet in the freezer that which is totally optional, but this adds extra gelatin to the broth that is good for joint and gut health. I filled the crockpot up with water to just cover the bones and vegetables and turned it onto low. I cooked it all night long and then strained it later the next morning and cooled it in the fridge. Then I typically store it in the freezer to use in soups and other recipes.

Feel free to find me on Facebook, Instagram, and at my website. If you are into Instagram I would love to see your version of this chicken recipe and just use my business hashtag at #faithandhopentp.

Blessings! Erin

Mmm that looks delicious. Thank you Erin for sharing your crockpot chicken and gravy experience! Thanks as always for supporting local foods,

~Brooks & Anna

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