News From The Farm: Cool Pigs and The Best Pork Chops
Hi there local food eaters, Hope you are enjoying summer! Kids are home, pools are open, trips are being planned and packed. Around here,...

Thoughts From The Farm: Parent Power
July to November season starting soon. Have you signed up for the Meat CSA for regular deliveries of high quality, locally grown, nonGMO,...

News from the Farm: Awesome Farm Visiting Day
Hey friends and local food eaters, Thank you so much to everyone who came out to our farm visiting day on Saturday! The weather was...

Why We Care About Glyphosate, and What We Are Doing About It (BIG NEWS!)
Hey friends and local food eaters, We've been sharing our concerns about glyphosate in the food supply, and hope that you've found the...
What Is Glyphosate and Why Should I Care - part 2
Hi there local food eaters, Thanks to everyone who read our email last week about glyphosate, part 1. We heard back from a few of you,...